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2nd Edition!

The newly updated Strategic Planning: As Simple as A, B, C, 2nd Edition is sure to illuminate your understanding of strategic planning. Strategic planning is a must for every entity, from the corner sandwich shop to Wall Street megabanks to the most bloated of government bureaucracies, but it is often treated like rocket science — I’m here to tell you it’s not, nor is it science of any kind. In simplifying the strategic planning process, I have demystified and rendered understandable and accessible that which has all too often been made out to be unnecessarily complex. Understanding the planning process can be as simple as learning the alphabet. Just As Simple as A, B, C.

Essentials of Government Contracting

The purpose of this course is to develop your understanding of Government Contracting and provide proven techniques to enhance your competitive
environment, and possibly win contracts.
We will explore my underlying theory and frameworks that provide the foundations of developing a successful strategy and provide some tools you need to implement that strategy – facilitating your path to becoming a government contractor.

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